We are committed to nurturing Christian education and fellowship in our children, youth, and adults. Christian education is a lifelong process of learning, believing, and implementing lessons from Scripture into our lives. We offer Christian education opportunities beginning at age 3 through adulthood.

Fall Bible/Book Study: Run by Barbara Saltarella
-Begins Tues Oct 3, 1pm Library
-We will be reading & discussing “Bad Girls of the Bible”- please see Barb if you need a book!
Sunday Mornings from 9:50-10:50:
Bible Study: Run by Pastor Gregg –Library
-Topical discussion, focused on Scripture that mirrors what we are hearing in worship.
Tangents: Run by Ed Howard -meets Sundays 9:50-10:50am Parlor
-Contemporary issues discussed, focus is on current events.
Book Club: Run by Holly Reynolds – Meets monthly on Friday evening)
-A group of deep thinkers that love to read and share that love with others. -Books are selected by the group annually.
Men’s Breakfast: Run by Bruce Wattle -meets every other Saturday 8am
-A time for just the guys to catch up in fellowship and eat a hearty breakfast!
Grief Group: Run by Pastor Heather -meets every other Tuesday 6-7pm Library
-A group of women that meet indoors and outdoors for prayer, meditation, and book discussion.
Women’s Small Group
Run by Cindy Steimer & Beth Hutchinson – meets in-person in the evening)
-Book Discussion group that loves to be in fellowship and occasionally is seen off-site for ice cream!
Run by Barb Heximer & Joan Bongiovanni -Meets in-person in the afternoon -Fellowship group that supports one another through laughter and personal stories.